无头眼 Beyond the Dunwich Horror

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无头眼 Beyond the Dunwich Horror


类型:恐怖 虐杀血腥 血腥 重口

主演:Lynn Lowry Jason McCormick Jeff Dylan Graham Sarah Nicklin

导演:Richard Griffin   地区:

年份:2008  语言:



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恐怖电影虐杀血腥无头眼 Beyond the Dunwich Horror手机在线观看,无头眼 Beyond the Dunwich Horror由Lynn Lowry / Jason McCormick / Jeff Dylan Graham / Sarah Nicklin等巨星主演,由著名的恐怖片导演Richard Griffin执导。

Kenny Crawford arrives in Dunwich after hearing that his brother Andrew has been admitted to a psychiatric ward, and is suspected in a string of disappearances in the town.With the help of local reporter Marsha Calloway and the eccentric Upton Armitage he probes the last few weeks of his brother's life.As they do so, they uncover evidence of a plot in the works revolving around Andrew, his girlfriend Nikki Hartwell and her twisted friend Otto Bellinger. Written by Anonymous 


肯尼·克劳福德到达登尼奇闻讯后,他的兄弟安德鲁已被送往精神科病房,并怀疑是失踪在当地记者的帮助下,玛莎卡洛维town.With和偏心厄普顿阿米蒂奇,他探头过去几周在一个字符串他哥哥的life.As他们这样做,他们发现在作品中的情节围绕安德鲁,他的女友Nikki Hartwell和她扭曲的朋友奥托·贝林格的证据。写的匿名

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